Dear IAM Family,
Today is a special day to honor the brave men and women who have served and continue to serve our countries with military service.
As we recognize Veterans Day in the United States and Remembrance Day in Canada, please join me in thanking all who have served our great nations.
As a U.S. Naval Air veteran, I take great pride that the Machinists Union has one of the highest percentages of veterans in the labor movement.
The IAM makes a commitment to every veteran to advocate on their behalf, support their missions, and proudly build and maintain the best military equipment in the world. I’m especially proud of our Veterans Services Program, which assists IAM U.S. military veterans with filing a wide range of VA claims, free of charge.
On this Veterans Day and Remembrance Day, let us remember our heroes and renew our promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so that we can live free.
WATCH: Celebrating our Servicemen & Women
Thank you to all our veterans for your courage, strength, and dedication to keeping us safe.
Robert Martinez Jr.
International President