Tier II Tax Rate to Drop 12-7-04 – It’s now official. Railroad employees and employers will each get a ½% tax cut on their Railroad Retirement Tier II tax rate effective January 1, 2005. The tax cut is triggered by the provision of the Railroad Retirement and Survivors’ Improvement Act of 2001 which ties tax
Read moreWages and Health & Welfare Contributions Changing on July 1 Effective July 1, TCU Clerical and Carmen Division members working for railroads covered by the National Agreement will receive hourly wage increases of 3.25 percent. This is the final scheduled wage increase under the National Agreement, which extends through December 31, 2004. TCU can serve
Read moreSeptember 27, 2001 TO: ALL TCU UNION REPRESENTATIVES Re: Status Report on Members From Ground Zero, New York and Pentagon Dear Sisters and Brothers, It has been exactly two weeks since the despicable acts of terrorism that killed more than 6,000 people at the World Trade Center in New York City and 189
Read moreTCU Enters Into Partnership with Conservation Group Recognizing that thousands of TCU members enjoy the outdoors including hunting and fishing, President Bob Scardelletti has announced that TCU together with several other AFL-CIO unions has entered into a partnership with the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership (TRCP). The TRCP is a non-profit organization that has a national
Read moreOur Union was founded 100 years ago when a group of 33 railway clerks in Sedalia, Missouri, banded together in their common struggle for human dignity on the job. Today our ranks have grown to include about 100,000 members in the U.S. — men and women from many different crafts who came from one of
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