Tuesday, March 06, 2007

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Labor issues you care about in streaming video

Fresh Faces on the Hill: Congressman Phil Hare
February 28, 2007 - Phil Hare used to hold a union job as a cutter in a factory.  Today, he’s working to pass legislation to protect his brothers and sisters.

Fresh Faces on the Hill: Congresswoman Betty Sutton
February 26, 2007 -As our Fresh Faces on the Hill series continues, it’s now time to turn our attention to Congresswoman Betty Sutton of ohio’s 13th district.

Free On The Job
February 23, 2007 - The Employee Free Choice Act is a piece of legislation that allows employees to form unions by card check.

Bush Trade Policies Failing American Families

February 22, 2007 -The Bush administration ’s failed trade policies and their impact on American workers are once again on full display.

Chi-Town Tear Down Pit Crew Competition 2007 February 16, 2007 - The command “Begin your teardown now….” marked the start of the annual Chi-Town Tear Down Pit Crew Competition.

Americans Want Bush to Follow Lead of Democrats
February 5, 2007 - A majority of Americans are fed up with President Bush’s job performance and believe the country should head in the direction congressional Democrats want to take it.

Fresh Faces on the Hill February 5, 2007 - The elections in November brought many new faces to Capitol Hill.

Changing The Future January 22, 2007 - The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It's a saying that's at least  100-years old and according to the Economic Policy Institute, one that still holds true today.

Will Your Vote Count? January 22, 2007 - In addition to changing the look of Congress, Election Day 2006 did something more. It brought to the forefront a variety of voting problems experienced across the country.

Senator Kennedy On Iraq And Healthcare
January 17, 2006 - In a speech meant to focus onn America's health care crisis, Senator Ted Kennedy instead took the time to criticize President Bush's plan to surge troop levels in Iraq by 20,000.

America’s Most Wealthy Bask in Bush Tax Cuts
January 11, 2007 - Reaffirming what middle class families know all too well – the Bush tax cuts primarily benefit America’s wealthiest families.

New Speaker Of The House, Nancy Pelosi
January 10, 2007 - In the first full week of the 110th Congress, House Speaker Nanacy Pelosi has taken her place as the unquestioned leader of the 435-member body. But the IAM was one of the few unions to recognize her potential long ago.

Surviving On Mimimum Wage
January 3, 2006 - As you stroll down city sidewalks, you're bound to see poverty, pain, strife and struggle.

The Employee Free Choice Act
December 19, 2006 - The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is a piece of legislation for the middle class that limits an employer's ability to prevent workers from forming unions. If passed it could ultimately improve the lives of working men and women across the nation.

Video: 2007 Day of Action
From air and rail to auto and trucking, transportation is essential to our lives.  But the industry has fallen on tough times over the last few years, leaving its workers unsure about the future.

To view these videos you will need to download the free Windows Media Player 9








Industrial Policy Needed Now, says Buffenbarger

IP Tom Buffenbarger, center, welcomed top staffers from the major presidential campaigns and told them that blue collar workers in the U.S. cannot afford to wait until 2008 to rebuild the nation’s devastated manufacturing base.

Machinists Union International President Tom Buffenbarger told a group of fellow union leaders and top presidential campaign staffers that blue collar workers in the U.S. cannot afford to wait for election-year platitudes and campaign promises to rebuild the nation’s devastated manufacturing base.

“America’s industrial resurgence cannot wait for ’08,” declared Buffenbarger at an event held during the AFL-CIO’s Executive Council meeting in Las Vegas, NV. “In addition to over 3 million manufacturing jobs lost since January 2002, we’ve lost a total of 43,000 manufacturing plants since 1999. It’s political and economic suicide to ignore this trend one day longer.”

Buffenbarger called for a U.S. industrial policy that includes legislation to stimulate the U.S. manufacturing sector - old and new - and cuts the massive U.S. trade deficit in half in four years. The U.S. trade deficit hit a record high $764 billion in 2007, up 6.5 percent from 2005. The merchandise trade deficit was even higher, ballooning from $783 billion in 2005 to $836 billion in 2006.

“Without a determined effort to rebuild and protect U.S. manufacturing capability, this nation’s economy will become a permanent hostage to foreign nations and a global economy that cares little for our history, our heritage or our values,” said Buffenbarger.

In addition to an industrial policy that creates jobs and provides tax incentives for businesses to renovate existing plants, Buffenbarger called for the establishment of a nationwide system of high tech institutes to train current and future workers in skills needed to develop and sustain U.S. manufacturing prowess.

IAM Responds to Alabama Storms

IAM members from District 75 in Daleville, AL help clean up after a Category 3 tornado cut a path 200 yards wide and ten miles long through the Wiregrass region of Southern Alabama.

Damage estimates continue to rise in the wake of more than a dozen tornados and violent thunderstorms that swept over Alabama and Georgia last week. At least nineteen IAM members of District 75 in Daleville, AL, are among scores of area residents whose homes were completely destroyed, with 20 more seriously damaged by the same tornado that killed eight students in nearby Enterprise, AL.

Members of District 75 and Local 2003 also assisted in the rescue and recovery effort after the Category 3 tornado lashed the area with winds exceeding 150 mph. Working in severe weather and under the threat of additional tornados, IAM members at Ft. Rucker helped launch a convoy of MEDEVAC helicopters that ferried injured students from Enterprise High School to local hospitals and trauma centers.

“It’s an extraordinary thing these members did, helping others in need, even as the storm was bearing down on their own homes,” said Southern Territory GVP Bob Martinez. “I don’t think there’s a finer example of community service than what these men and women did to help their neighbors in the face of extreme danger.”

Local IAM representatives and members continue to work alongside state, local and federal officials to help members and residents recover from the worst natural disaster to hit the Gulf Coast area since Hurricane Katrina. “We just had 100 IAM members and as many from the Army Fleet Support management team at Ft. Rucker take part in mass clean up in the hardest hit areas,” said District 75 BR Tony Blevins. “This community won’t soon forget the sight of those IAM members, all wearing red shirts, showing up to help when help was needed the most.”

Union Coalition Sets Priorities for GE Negotiations

Preparations for the upcoming negotiations between General Electric Co. and the union coalition representing over 30,000 workers nationwide took an important step last week when 17 members of the unions’ Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) met to finalize economic and non-economic proposals.

Bargaining priorities for IAM members at GE were determined by membership surveys conducted last year and from input provided by local IAM representatives at meetings in Chicago last December. The IAM represents nearly 2,450 employees at 18 GE facilities in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, New Mexico, Ohio, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Among the issues that will shape the negotiations, set to begin on May 21 in New York, are job security, health insurance costs, wages, pensions and other retirement benefits.

“GE is a highly profitable corporation with more than sufficient resources to meet the needs of its U.S.-based workforce,” said IAM Collective Bargaining Director Tom O'Heron. “Despite its profits and market dominance, however, GE routinely claims competition from third-world countries puts it at a competitive disadvantage. We should be prepared for negotiations that will require the utmost in membership solidarity and resolve to secure the terms we deserve.”

Appeals Court Backs Rail Unions in FMLA Case

In an important legal victory for workers covered by the Railway Labor Act, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit recently upheld a lower court ruling that said when vacation use is a subject of collective bargaining agreements, employers  cannot unilaterally force employees to use vacation time in conjunction with the Family Medical Leave Act.

The ruling follows a lawsuit by a coalition of rail unions, including the IAM and the TCU, who opposed rail carriers requiring workers to use paid vacation time as part of leave that would otherwise be mandated by FMLA guidelines.

“Unions have fought to secure workers’ vacation rights for decades,” said IAM General Vice President Robert Roach, Jr. “This decision rightly puts the choice of how to use vacation time in the hands of the workers who earned it.”

“The vacation agreements are the subject of apparently hard bargaining,” the court said in its ruling. “The right to time one’s vacation…is a hard–won right of railroad workers. It would seem quite odd indeed to say that this…can be wiped out by unilateral action on the part of the carriers.”

For the complete ruling, click here.

Moffatt Named New Aerospace Coordinator

GVP Rich Michalski announced the addition of Ray Moffatt to the team of IAM Aerospace Coordinators, effective March 1, 2007.

“As Aerospace Coordinator, Ray brings wisdom and experience in organizing, negotiating and networking in the fast-growing Service Contract Act (SCA) arena,” said GVP Michalski. “His expertise in the Service Contract environment is an invaluable asset.”

Moffatt became a member of the IAM in 1992 after affiliation from the SCA Association of Flight Training Professionals. He has served as negotiating committee member, Treasurer, and President of Local 2902 in Pensacola, FL and Delegate to District 75 in Daleville, AL.

Moffatt was selected to enter the Grand Lodge Apprentice Organizer Program in 1999, and subsequently was put on as an Organizer for District 75. In 2003, Moffatt was appointed a Special Representative in the Southern Territory, and in 2004, became a Grand Lodge Representative in the IAM Organizing Department.

As a former U.S. Marine Corps Officer/Pilot and Service Contract employee himself, Moffatt says it’s easy for him to understand the demands of working under a Service Contract, as well as the benefits of organizing and collective bargaining.

Battle for Employee Free Choice Act Moves to Senate

The U.S. House of Representatives enacted the most sweeping labor law reform in 70 years after passing the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) by a vote of 241-185 last week, putting workers’ freedom to form unions without unjust management interference a step closer to reality. Thirteen Republicans joined 228 Democrats in voting for the bill. Two Democrats and 183 Republicans voted against it.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the EFCA was "the most important labor law reform legislation of this generation." And added that the EFCA is "more than labor law; it is about basic labor rights, about the rule of the majority free from intimidation and about protecting jobs."

The bill is headed for a tough fight in the Senate. Republicans are already vowing to filibuster any bill which would force supporters to rally at least 60 senators to vote to end the filibuster and pass the bill.

The White House has also said that Bush will veto the legislation if it reaches his desk. The battle would then be to garner enough support to override a veto. A two-thirds vote or greater is needed in both the House and the Senate to override a presidential veto.

Tell the Senate to follow the House’s lead. Contact your Senators and tell them that a vote for the Employee Free Choice Act is a vote to sustain middle-class America, and we middle-class Americans expect their support. Click here for a quick link to contact your Senators.







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Announcing the IAM Photo Contest

The IAM is repeating its members-only photography contest again this year and you are encouraged to enter. You can download a complete contest entry form by clicking here.

The goal of the USA is to create an outdoor hunting and fishing club exclusively for union members and their families. TRCP Launches Union Sportsmen’s Alliance

IAM members can now purchase union gear online at the IAM Store. Members can buy a variety of IAM related products such as t-shirts, jackets, jewelry and caps — all emblazoned with the IAM logo.

IAM Journal
Spring 2007

FOCUS America’s union members do not need to be told what to do. They do what they believe is right, and let the chips fall where they may.

Get Ready for the Day of Action.
The Transportation Department is preparing for a major March and Rally on May 17, 2007, in Washington, DC. Thousands of working men and women from every state of the Union will join us on that day to say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”
For more information, visit 17may07.org

The 2008 Convention website is online.
The site features updates, travel tips, convention news reports, info for the media, and official convention gear. Check it out.

Union Plus
IAM Member Benefits
mean money-saving discounts for IAM members and their families.

Enter member ID: PS16626766 when ordering online or call 1-877-289-9437. When ordering, you must reference code: PS16626766 to receive your union discount.

See who works for you, how the IAM is structured, and what services the IAM offers.
Go to: IAM2007

FlatRateTech is an organization “created for and by Ford and Lincoln Mercury service technicians solely to speak as one loud voice rather than 50,000 smaller voices.” according to their website The fast-growing site offers forums for Ford customers, technicians and dealers to exchange information.

Executive Council

Tom Buffenbarger
International President

Warren L. Mart


Lee Pearson
GVP Western Territory


Dave Ritchie
GVP Canada


Robert Roach,Jr.
GVP Transportation


Lynn Tucker
GVP Eastern Territory

Robert Martinez
GVP Southern Territory

Richard Michalski
GVP Headquarters

Philip J. Gruber
GVP Midwest Territory